Saturday 15 September 2018

Interview: Elision

Australian metalcore five-piece debuted in August with the release of "The Conscious Collider" EP, available from Bandcamp as a "name-your-price" download. Guitarist Elliot Koroneos told us about the band's work on the EP in the interview below.
Alright, first thing is first. Before we dive into all the music stuff, how's life?
Awesome, thank you! Life outside of music is keeping us just as busy but we've been playing shows, meeting new people and it's been really fun and rewarding for us all.
Speaking of new music, you have an EP. What can people expect from “The Conscious Collider”?
The Conscious Collider is a collection of tight riffs with heavy breakdowns and melodic leads. Our aim was to write songs that we enjoy playing but also keeping each track distinct from one another instead of having a lot of heavy tracks that sounded the same. We focused on having a catchy riff and expanding on that one idea to create different riffs, cleans and breakdowns for each song. If you enjoy anything from heavy to ambient and clean, you'll have a lot of fun listening to this EP.
What was it like working on the EP?
The process was very smooth. The guitarists in the band are very familiar with recording their own demos so the writing process was as simple as individually recording whatever ideas we had during practice sessions and sharing those ideas around before honing in on them and turning them into complete songs.
Are there any touring plans in support to “The Conscious Collider”?
At this stage we don't have plans to tour The Conscious Collider outside of Australia right now. Hopefully in the near future, if more people get in touch with our music and like it enough that we might be given the opportunity to travel as much as we can to share the EP with as many people as possible!

While we are on the subject of touring, what countries would you love to tour?
I'd love to tour America and Canada. I'd also like to reach Europe, especially Germany, Austria, Spain and England.
Who and what inspires you the most?
I'm really inspired by hardworking bands that I support. Bands such as Northlane and Polaris are examples of artists that have worked extremely hard to push their music to new audiences around the world and they give young bands like us the inspiration we need to tell ourselves that we can achieve our dreams and goals if we try and work hard enough.
What other genres of music do you listen to? Have any of the other genres you listen to had any impact on your playing?
I tend to listen to some EDM and rap music sometimes, and also punk rock/hard rock. I basically live and breathe metal so I don't listen to much else, though, sometimes it's good to have a change in the style of music I'm listening to for a bit of creative inspiration.
I really appreciate you giving us your time today. Is there anything else you would like to tell us and the fans before we wrap things up?

Thanks so much for giving us this opportunity to talk to you about our music! We'd also like to thank all of the new listeners out there and we hope that you enjoy our music and hope that you can connect with our songs in your own unique, personal way.

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