Wednesday 19 September 2018

Review: Gaia - Aerial

There are many ways of creating music. Following the rules, being bound of genre limitations, or letting your wheels go off road to wherever you want your sound to reach out. This change in the direction only brings rich melodies, “new” tunes, tasty sound.

Gaia, a metalcore / djent band from India, is one of those off-roadsters. They don't follow the rules but create their own way. Their album “Aerial,” out on September 20thi is a great example that walks around progressive metal.

“Aerial” may remind you of some TesseracT works, some Northlane, Skyharbor and most prominently Architects. From the first moment until the last, the record is full of tasty, energetic melodies. "Aerial" stays true to metalcore with great passages through prog metal. 

“Aerial” is one of those great records from 2018 that might be overlooked. With its rich sound it will make your ears satisfied no matter what kind of genre takes your attention.

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