Sunday 11 March 2018

Review: Sault - Seeds of Power

Sault is heavy metal mixed with progressive/groove metal and retro sounding rock brought to you by insanely accomplished musicians. Read that again, that is what they are all about. Bassist Sean Tibbetts and drummer Casey Grillo, known for meddling about with one reference band — Kamelot, teamed up with guitarist Curtis Jay, and the powerful Benjamin Riggs (Arcanium, One-Eyed Doll) on vocals. Earlier this month the group launched their debut album “Seeds of Power,” which also includes drummer Matt Thompson (King Diamond) on a few songs.

Tibbetts’ sound is prominent on bass, but the overall brilliance of “Seeds of Power” is the bold addition of Jay on guitars and Riggs on vocals. As if they worked twice as hard to prove themselves, they stand out as the factor that brings the album to another level. Riggs is absolutely slaying on vocals, clearly comfortable all the way through all the tracks. Just listen to the opening track and tell me this guy was not meant to sing in a heavy metal band.

The music is complex, riding on Grillo’s/Thompson’s trademark pounding drumming with their seemingly counter-rhythmic beats, with a good dose of groovy and classic rock thrown in for good measure.

“Seeds of Power” is completely unexpected and awesome. Straight from the heartland of the good ol' US of A, Sault have reached for the sun and managed to touch it. Do yourself a favor and check this out.

The album is available from Sault's website here.

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